Instructions to authors

Submission of manuscripts

Please submit your manuscript in plain text, avoiding tabs or the use of bold, small caps, different types and type sizes. Extra spaces and italics are allowed.
References for footnotes: please use the reference function on your computer.
Illustrations must be sent separately, at least 800 pixels broad.

How to cite sources in reference notes

W. Séwel, Korte wegwyzer der Engelsche taale (Amsterdam 1705), p. 5-10.
Repeated reference(s): Séwel, Korte wegwyzer, p. 11.

Source books
L. Croiset van Uchelen-Brouwer and F. van Dijk (eds.), Overzicht van loges die onder het Groot- oosten der Nederlanden en zijn voorlopers gewerkt hebben of werken (Den Haag 2003).
Repeated reference(s): Croiset van Uchelen-Brouwer and Van Dijk, Overzicht van loges, p. 17.

Text editions
J.A. Schasz M.D., Reize door het aapenland. Ed. Peter Altena (Nijmegen 2010).
Repeated reference(s): Schasz, Reize, p. 8.

Volumes of articles
Cis van Heertum, Ton Jongenelen and Frank van Lamoen (eds.), De andere achttiende eeuw (Nijmegen 2006).
Repeated reference(s): Van Heertum et al., De andere achttiende eeuw.

Articles in periodicals [NB periodicals include yearbooks, almanacs etc.]
Amber Delhaye, ‘Met vrijheidshoedje! Een gravure van Reinier Vinkeles bij De Hollandsche natie van J.F. Helmers’, in: Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman 31 (2008), p. 107-114, s.v. p. 110.
Repeated reference(s): Delhaye, ‘Met vrijheidshoedje!’, p. 113.

Archival references
Archives use various reference systems. Some archives as yet have no access numbers, in which case the name of the archive must be used in full. If an archival source is unpaginated or unfoliated, providing a date or a dating for the source may make it more accessible. The primary objective is to make the source readily findable for the reader.
A few examples:
Stadsarchief Amsterdam, access 5075 (Notarieel archief), inv. no. 5624 (notary public J. Commelin), p./f. 000 [or: deed no. 00]; or: Stadsarchief Amsterdam, access 5075 (Notarieel archief), 5624 (notary public J. Commelin), p./f. 000 [or: deed no. 00].
Gemeentearchief Schiedam, Gerechten 214 (Rol civiele zaken), d.d. 15-5-1700.
Repeated reference(s) and names of institutions must be abbreviated, such as SAA (for Stadsarchief Amsterdam), gas (for Gemeentearchief Schiedam).

Use single quotation marks: ‘by sacrificing all self-interest’. Double quotation marks for quotations within quotations: ‘according to Vreede, “het Gedenkschrift” merited a fully annotated edition’. End quotations with a quotation mark followed by a punctuation mark and reference note (when appropriate): ‘in 1781 she was engaged by the theatre at Lyon’.1 Block quotes (i.e. quotations exceeding two lines of text) must be introduced by a white line above and below, without quotation marks.

Instructions to authors MedJCW (December 2010)