Jacob Campo Weyerman Foundation

Founded in 1977, the Jacob Campo Weyerman Foundation is popularly known as ‘the JCW’. The JCW was set up by its founding fathers to carry out research into the life and work of Weyerman and to promote the study of eighteenth-century culture in all its aspects.
To realize its objectives, the JCW offers various activities.

The JCW brings out a (mainly) Dutch-language periodical: Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman, which appears twice a year. Every issue contains ca. 100 pages with illustrated articles, reviews and brief notices.

Annual meeting
The annual meeting traditionally takes place on one of the first Saturdays of January and is open to members as well as guests. As a rule the following items are on the agenda: a main lecture, a few brief observations, followed by a short formal meeting to discuss points of action.

‘Expedition meeting’
The annual so-called ‘expedition meeting’ takes place at the end of the summer and usually takes us to places where Weyerman has lived or has written about. These excursions are often organized with the active participation of local historical societies.

Abdera series
The Foundation brings out a series, Abdera, to publish texts that are rare or difficult to access.

Interested in becoming a member? See the Contact page.